DROP Hub Operations

DROP Hub WiFi Status

Similar to the mobile setup process, DROP can operate in any network environment, with or without WiFi. The color of your DROP Hub light will indicate to you what connection mode it is in. Here is an overview of each mode. For Hub 1, the WiFi connection status is indicated by the light under the pushbutton. For Hub 2, refer to the ‘WiFi Status’ indicator light at the lower-right corner of the Hub.

Connected to WiFi and DROP Connect Services

The Hub has connected to a local WiFi network and to DROP Connect servers. The Hub is able to accept remote connections. In this mode there are two ways that the app can communicate to the Hub. If the phone or tablet is connected to the same local network as the Hub, the app can communicate directly over that local network.

Connected to WiFi Only

The Hub has connected to a local WiFi network. To communicate to that Hub using the DROP app your phone or tablet will need to be connected to that same local network.

Direct Connections

The Hub is using its own private WiFi network (this is the default state on first power up). To communicate to that Hub using the app your phone or tablet will need to be connected to the DROP WiFi which will be named starting with “DROP_System”. Follow the instructions for one of the connection modes in the section “Connecting the app to the DROP system” to have the app walk you through making that connection.

Lost WiFi Signal

The Hub cannot connect to the WiFi network it was previously connected to. If this persists for more than a few minutes, check that the WiFi network is available using another device, and make sure the SSID or password of that WiFi network has not changed. If it has not changed and can be connected to using other devices, reboot the Hub. If it has changed, set the Hub to direct connection mode (see Adv. Hub Pushbutton Functions) and then connect it using the new credentials.

DROP Hub 2 Water Status

On Hub 2, the pushbutton light indicates the overall water status of the DROP system. When the water is turned on the pushbutton light will be green, and when the water is off the pushbutton light will be orange.

DROP Hub 2 DROP Link Status

The DROP Link indicator light at the lower-left corner of Hub 2 shows the status of the DROP Link mesh network at a glance. When all devices are connected and communicating normally, this light will be purple. Brief flashes indicate active communication with the devices. If a device is offline, this light will turn orange. When ‘Add Device Components’ mode is active, this light will turn white. 

DROP 1 Hub Push Button

Emergency Water On/Off

All DROP devices that treat your water also provide a water shutoff for all plumbing that is connected to the outlet of the unit. Briefly pressing the button on the Hub will toggle the water shutoff state. Although this functionality is also available in the app, simply pressing the button to shut off or restore the water flow is a quick way to change the water shutoff state. When the system is in water shutoff, the Hub light will flash orange once a second over top of its normal status color.

Advanced Hub 1 Pushbutton Functions

The pushbutton on the front of the Hub has been designed to perform some basic functions. By pressing and holding the pushbutton these functions can be accessed. As you hold the pushbutton, the button color will change for the different functions that are available. The following list explains the functions that are available:

The button will turn pink. If released during this time frame the Hub will reboot. This can be helpful if you think something just isn’t working right and you want to try a fresh startup to see if it fixes the problem. A reboot takes only a few seconds to complete and is generally not disruptive to any of the normal functions of the system.

If the DROP Hub is connected to a local (blue or green before pressing the button) WiFi network, button color will be yellow. If released during this time frame the Hub will reset and temporarily revert to direct connection WiFi mode. Once in direct connection (yellow with button not pressed) WiFi mode, if button is held again for 6-8 seconds the button color will be blue. If released in this mode the Hub will reset and reconnect to the previous WiFi connection. Switching to direct connection WiFi mode can be helpful if you want to temporarily allow someone to access your Hub, but don’t want to give them access to your local WiFi. This also can be helpful if your WiFi router is no longer available and you need to connect to your DROP system. Finally, it is a way that can be used to connect a Hub to a new WiFi without resetting the Hub.

The button will turn green. If released during this time frame the Hub will reset the app pairing key. This will cause all apps that only have local access to the Hub to be required to be repaired when they attempt to connect next. When the pairing key is reset, a notification will be sent out that the app pairing key has been reset. The local pairing key ensures that a user must have direct physical access to the Hub in order to connect and also ensures that the appropriate users are notified of the app pairing key change. Note: If a user has remote access to this DROP system, through DROP web services, they will not be required to repair their app to the Hub. To control who can remotely access the DROP system go to the “ACCOUNT” page in the app.

Advanced Hub 2 Pushbutton Functions

The pushbutton on the front of the Hub has been designed to perform some basic functions. By pressing and holding the pushbutton these functions can be accessed. As you hold the pushbutton, the button color will change for the different functions that are available. The following list explains the functions that are available:

Releasing the button while it is green will turn the DROP system water on, while releasing the button while it is orange will turn the water off.

The button will turn pink. If released during this time frame the Hub will reboot. This can be helpful if you think something just isn’t working right and you want to try a fresh startup to see if it fixes the problem. A reboot takes only a few seconds to complete and is generally not disruptive to any of the normal functions of the system.

Seconds (yellow or blue): If the DROP Hub is connected to a local (blue or green before pressing the button) WiFi network, button color will be yellow. If released during this time frame the Hub will reset and temporarily revert to direct connection WiFi mode. Once in direct connection (WiFi Status blinking yellow with button not pressed) WiFi mode, if button is held again for 7-9 seconds the button color will be blue. If released in this mode the Hub will reconnect to the previous WiFi connection. Switching to direct connection WiFi mode can be helpful if you want to temporarily allow someone to access your Hub, but don’t want to give them access to your local WiFi. This also can be helpful if your WiFi router is no longer available and you need to connect to your DROP system. Finally, it is a way that can be used to connect a Hub to a new WiFi without resetting the Hub.

The button will turn green. If released during this time frame the Hub will reset the app pairing key. This will cause all apps that only have local access to the Hub to be required to be repaired when they attempt to connect next. When the pairing key is reset, a notification will be sent out that the app pairing key has been reset. The local pairing key ensures that a user must have direct physical access to the Hub in order to connect and also ensures that the appropriate users are notified of the app pairing key change. Note: If a user has remote access to this DROP system, through DROP web services, they will not be required to repair their app to the Hub. To control who can remotely access the DROP system go to the “ACCOUNT” page in the app.

Factory Reset

A factory reset will clear all data from the hub and remove any connected devices. Typically, a factory reset is only necessary if suggested by DROP technical support staff. If a hub currently has remote access enabled it is recommended that remote access is disabled before a reset, especially if the hub will be used by someone else. Otherwise, the hub will remain locked to the original account and cannot be used by another account. To disable remote access, go to the Account page in the app and look for the ‘Disable Remote Access’ button.
To perform a factory reset, first remove the backup battery from the hub. Unplug the hub, depress the pushbutton, and plug in the hub while continuing to depress the pushbutton. After 30 seconds, the button will turn orange. Release the pushbutton while it is orange, and the hub will be armed for a factory reset while the button is red. If the button is pressed again while the button is red, a factory reset will be performed. If the button is not pressed again within 10 seconds, the factory reset will be canceled, and the hub will start normally.

How to Update Firmware

The DROP Hub and all DROP devices have firmware that is programmed on each DROP component and controls how the DROP system operates. The DROP system is designed to be able to update the firmware in order to add new features and fix or improve operation. New firmware updates are distributed in the DROP App and can be downloaded to the DROP system using the app. The app will prompt you that new firmware is available when you open your app and connect to your Hub in local mode. Choosing “Install Updates Now” will take you directly to the System > Advanced Page.

Any devices that have an update available will have an “Update” button next to them. It is recommended that you update the Hub first if an update is available for it, and then update the device components.


The app needs to remain open while the firmware data is being sent to the DROP Hub.